Saturday 5 September 2015


I fight for equality because I find it ridiculous how some people are treated differently to others because of who they are. I find it so hard to understand why good people are discriminated against because of something as simple as their skin colour or sexuality. Why is it that some people think they deserve more because of the pigment of their skin or the gender of their partners? It baffles me so much because why does it matter? Why aren't people respected in the way they deserve? I'm not saying this applies to everyone because it defiantly does not, but it's such a shame that certain people see things so black and white because they truly missing out on getting to know some fantastic people. I wish people saw others the way that I do because they are isolating themselves from a whole world of wonderful things. I just hope one day that everyone is seen as equal. 

There are so many stereotypes surrounding gender and sexuality that people are put into categories and labeled. There's a preconceived idea of what it means to be male, female, gay or straight and people feel like they have to figure out who they are to make other people happy. It's like certain people should hold a set type of characteristics for society to accept them. 

I'd also like someone to explain to me how the word "gay" in an insult. It isn't an insult. It's something that shouldn't be thrown around to hurt others feelings; it's something  to be proud of. Just like people shouldn't be teased or bullied for the way they decide to live their lives. Who are you to decide something is "normal"? 

Why is religion used as an excuse? If you were to ask 10 people why being gay isn't "natural" I bet at least 5 of them would say "because that's not how God made us". If this is what someone truly believes then it is their decision to follow their religion but a lot of people who use that statement as an argument don't even believe in God. I'm religious but I still believe in equal rights for everyone.

It seems to have taken me quite a while to post this and I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe it was because of the response I may get but to be honest I'm sick of seeing people about hurt by the way others think. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and there is NO DIFFERENCE. I shouldn't have to write this or fight for equal rights. It should be an automatic right to be treated as an equal. I'm proud of who I am and the amazing friends I've found, and I really do hope that people start to form an understanding of the world around them because they are missing out on so much.

"When everyone else is more comfortable remaining 
Rather than fighting for humans the have had their
rights stolen 
I might not be the same but that's not important 
No freedom 'til we're equal, damn right I support it"

-Same Love

Bye Bugs xox

Friday 4 September 2015

A new chapter?

So, after 5 years at the same school, with the same people and the same attitude, I am finally able to move on. After finishing my exams and relaxing over the summer it's time for me to start college. I always imagined this to be an overwhelming and scary time and although those things are both true, it's also filled with excitement and happiness. I didn't like school, it was an environment where I didn't feel comfortable at all. I found it lowered my self-esteem and confidence and I was never truly happy there. I didn't like the people, the place or the pressure. This is why I'm so looking forward to college, it's like a whole new start in a place I am able to properly relax and enjoy my education, unlike before. 

I believe that first impressions stick. I also believe that this is one of the reasons I hated school so much. I feel like I wasn't truly being myself when I first started because I was so shy and I guess that stuck with me. This is now a time that I am able to reinvent myself and become the person I wanted to be before. I'll be in a completely different environment with different people and that makes me extremely happy.

I also suffer with anxiety which is something I was really worried about. I was worried it would take over again and I would become the same person I was before but I've realised that I'm in control. I'm the only one that can change and make a difference to my life. This a chance for me to be happier and more confident and there's no doubt in my mind that I'm going to do my best with the situation.

This is a completely different chapter in my life and I can't wait. I'm not saying I'm going to become a whole different person over night, but I am saying that I want to become a better version of myself. So to anyone who is in the same position, whether it be starting college, or high school, or university or even just moving up a year, good luck. No matter you want to achieve this year, if you try your best you'll succeed.

"Your dreams don't work unless you do."

Bye Bugs xox