Saturday 31 January 2015

New Year, New Me?

Happy New Year to all of you! It's such an exciting time of year, everyone's getting over Christmas and feeling motivated, although that doesn't always last. That's a thing that always comes around with the celebration of the new year- the resolutions. Everyone makes these whether you believe you'll follow them through or not. But how many of us actually do?
Resolutions are  funny things really, it's like you're deciding you're going to change your entire personality overnight. It's crazy the difference that one day can make on someone; the leggings and the running shoes come out and suddenly everyone has an iPod shuffle and can bare the cold January mornings. Most people vow to lose weight or something like that- but what's the point if it's not actually going to happen?
That's why I don't normally make new years resolutions. However, this year I made an exception. I don't want to talk about how I'm planning  to change every part of my life, that's not what this blog post is about. What I am going to talk about is how I plan to become happier with myself.
Over the last couple of years I've noticed that my self-confidence has dropped to a record-breaking low. My anxiety got worse and everything just generally felt like crap. This year I've decided enough is enough- I'm doing my exams soon and I want to make sure my last year at high school is one I can enjoy. This doesn't mean that I have to change my life drastically but  what I do need to do is slightly adjust the small things I'm not okay with.
I decided the first thing I needed to do was become healthier- this didn't mean losing weight but I wanted to make sure my body was happy so that my mind would eventually catch up with it. The next thing I have decided to do is to remove the people that brought a negative energy to my life. Now, obviously that wasn't completely possible, but I did press that big red delete button on the people that had brought me down and quite frankly treated me like crap.
These are just a few changes I've managed to make in the last few weeks (and I intent to continue) but I've already noticed a massive difference in myself. The purpose of the blog post was to show you that new years resolutions don't have to be impossible or drastic, just do the things that make you happy. Do things step by step, little by little and you can do anything.
I hope everyone enjoyed there new year and you all have a good week!
Bye bugs xox


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